Christ Community United Methodist Church
- Susquehanna Valley Preschool
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- Susquehanna Valley Preschool

Christ Community United Methodist Church
- Susquehanna Valley Preschool
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- Susquehanna Valley Preschool

Our Pastor
Reverend Eric J. ShaferWelcome to Christ Community United Methodist Church! Rev. Shafer became our Sr. Pastor in July of 2021. He grew up in Williamsport and graduated from Lebanon Valley College as a Sacred Music Major with an emphasis in vocal performance. Eric then joined Re-Creation from 1987-1991. In 1989, his future bride Robin joined the group and together they traveled across America singing in Veterans’ Affairs Medical Centers, State and National Parks, fairs, company conventions, and churches.
While in Re-Creation, Eric answered God’s call into the ordained ministry. Eric and Robin were married in August of 1991 and the next day were in a U-Haul heading south to Atlanta, Georgia where Eric attended the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.
After receiving his Master of Divinity degree in 1994, he was appointed to serve the Millerton-Daggett-Jackson Center Charge north of Mansfield, PA. Pastor Eric was ordained an Elder in 1996 and appointed as the Associate Pastor of the former Grace UMC, now Carlisle UMC, in Carlisle, PA. He then served St. Paul’s UMC in State College from 2005-2016 and the Good Shepherd-Warriors Mark Charge from 2016-2021.
Robin graduated from Elizabethtown College with a Major in Music Therapy. She loves working with older adults. Pastor Eric and Robin have two adult sons: Kyle and his wife Paige and their children live in Pittsburgh; Zachary and his wife Hannah live in Oregon.
Pastor Eric has served the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church on the Student Aid Fund, the Clergy Sexual Misconduct Response Team, the Board of Ordained Ministry, Chair of the Order of Elders, the Altoona District Committee on Ministry, and the Conference Nominations Committee.
© 2022